Wednesday Whackers played a single stableford on a
very chilly morning. The winner was Robbie Porter with 34pts and runner up was
Neil “Freezer” Free with 31pts.
Thursday Vets played a single stableford and the
winner was John Mitchell with 27pts and runner was Noelene Porter with 25pts […]
Not much to report this week due to the cold and wet
weather we have had.
Wednesday was a wash out due to the temp being only
about 8 felt like -3.
Thursday Vets had some brave contenders and the winner
was John Mitchell on a c/b […]
Wednesday Whackers played a 3 club challenge sponsored
by Graeme Andrews, and it wasn’t that easy for some. Graeme had 41pts but
couldn’t win his own trophy so the winner with 38pts was Carol Shields on a c/b
from Bruce McMullen. Who says you need […]
Short and Sweet this week, due to the wet weather
Wednesday Whackers and Thursday Vets were washed out
for this week.
Saturday was the Keno 2 Person Ambrose qualifier for men’s
and ladies, the winners were Jason Ketley and Jack Doran, and the runners up
were […]