Wednesday the Whackers played a single stableford and the winner was Murray Kennedy with 45pts, r/up was James Walkinshaw with 39pts on a 4 way c/b from Chalkie Chandler, Peter Schultz from Armidale and Geoff Clutterbuck also from Armidale. The orange ball went […]
Read moreWednesday the Whackers played a single stableford and
the winner was Gary Dowdell with 38pts r/up was Michael Welbourn with 36pts. Michael
started off on the 1st and had a miss, the 2nd he had a
miss then on the 3rd he had a 1, YES Michael […]
Wednesday the Whackers played a single stableford and
the winner on a 4 way c/b was Richard Cannon with 35pts from Tony Duff, Darrell
Carson and Ken McMillan. We welcomed visitors from Sawtell Golf Club and
Armidale Golf Club.
Thursday the Vets played a single stableford and […]
Read moreNO golf was played Wednesday or Thursday due to course
being closed after so much rain.
Saturday we played a 4BBB sponsored by Jack Doran and
Jon Izzard, we had a great field of 56 players. We welcomed visitors from
Armidale. The winners on a c/b […]