10May 2020
May 10, 2020

Darrell’s Weekly Wrap 10/05/2020

The strong Wednesday fields continued last week and it was Robbie Porter who won the day with 38 points. Ribbie fired a two over par 72 to finish two points clear of Murray Kennedy who took second place after a countback with Les Forde. Good to see old mate Les back to a bit or form breaking his age once again. Les missed a couple of day’s golf last week and I nearly had to call all the golf off and send out a search party. Dan Riley will play with the orange ball next week.

The Thursday veteran’s also attracted enough on Thursday to hold a competition and it was the Little Pecker himself, (Sparra Taggart) who won with 38 relegating wife Coleen to second spot with 34. John Holthouse took third spot.

Another good field hit off on Saturday for a club trophy and Shane Barraclough had a very solid 40 points to be a clear winner from Darrell Carson 38, and the inform Little Pecker Sparra Taggart 36 taking third spot. Vicki Barraclough was the best of the ladies with 35.

A couple of items from Saturday rate a mention; firstly Sam Smith had an ACE on the 11th. I heard Sam saying he thought it went off the back of the green but alas it was in the hole. Congratulations Sam on achieving every golfers dream, well done. Unfortunately the 5 points did not help Sam into the place getters for the day. Next just a mention for Les Forde as he once again broke his age. Last but certainly not least some one reported to me that Ross (FTG) Anderson was seen throwing a club on the 4th. FTG of course reckons it just slipped out of his hand but I will leave it to you to make your own judgement.

Quote of the week.  “Live as long as you want, but never want as long as you live.”

Good Golfing

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