6Jun 2020
Jun 6, 2020

Darrell’s Weekly Wrap 07/06/2020

The strong Wednesday fields continued last week and Tony Duff, who seems to making a habit of winning, again won. This time Tony had 35 to defeat Richard cannon, 34 with Barry Cameron taking 3rd spot with 33 after a three way countback with FTG Anderson and Popeye Whiting.  Jason Brady won the NTP on the 6th.

Warren Sellings kept up his good form, this time winning the Thursday veteran’s competition. Warren this time had 36 points to claim the top spot from Popeye Whiting and Ian Duncan. Marj Chappell was once again the best of the ladies.

A beautiful winters’ day greeted the players on Saturday and many times club champion, Neil Bullen, returned to the winners circle after a long drought. Neil had 41 points to be a clear winner. Neil must have hit most of the greens which eliminated him from having to chip. Anyway Bullo it is good to see you back in a bit of form so well done.

Jim Walkinshaw took second spot after a countback with Shane Barraclough and Sam Smith. It was good to see the clubhouse open again, albeit with a lot of restrictions and regulations to be adhered to, but it was great to have a little social activity after golf.

Another reminder that the delayed Club AGM has been re-scheduled for June 28th at 10.am at the club house. Some nominations are still needed so please consider putting name forward. The nomination sheet is on the notice board. It would be a shame to come through the drought, and now the Covid 19 problems and not be able to fill all board positions.

Quote of the week: If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing you do is stop digging.

Good Golfing

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