Sorry it;s a bit late, but took awhile to get results together.
Wednesday the Wednesday Whackers played a single
stableford, the winner of the day was Jason Brady with 39pts r/up on a c/b with
34pts was Todd Jacob from Peter Doyle.
Thursday Vets played […]
Read moreWednesday the Wednesday Whackers played a single
stableford, the winner of the day was Peter Doyle with 39pts r/up was Tony Duff
with 39pts. Dom Bower had a great shot 3 metres from the pin and he walked off
with a miss, his 5th shot was an […]
Wednesday the Wednesday Whackers played a single
stableford, the winner of the day was “The President” Darrell Carson with 41pts
runner up with 34pts was Andrew Brennan from Walcha Golf Club. We welcomed
visitors from Walcha and Sawtell Golf Clubs.
Friday we held our Vets open day and […]
Read moreWednesday the Wednesday Whackers played a single
stableford, the winner of the day was Tony Park with 39pts runner up with 38pts
was Tom Bower. No NTP were advised.
Thursday Vets a single stableford with the winner was
no other than “I’m in a hurry” Les Forde […]