Carol’s Weekly Wrap 17/4/22
Wednesday the Wednesday Whackers played a single stableford, the winner was Murray Kennedy on a c/b from Bruce McMullen with 33pts. Third was our junior Cooper Smith with 32pts. Some players didn’t finish due to the sky’s opening up just before finishing.
Tuesday the vets pennants were held at Armidale Golf Club, Men’s A-Grade winner was Scott Mendes from Guyra, r/up was Richard Burey also from Guyra. B-Grade winner was John Hansen from Armidale, r/up was Bernard Julian from Glen Innes. C-Grade winner was Bruce Moffatt from Armidale, r/up was Alan Crossley from Glen Innes. Ladies winner was Kerry Bull from Guyra and r/up was Judi Hansen from Armidale. The final round will be played at Uralla on Thursday 19th May.
Thursday Vets played a single stableford and the winner with 35pts was Coleen Taggart, runner up was John Mitchell with 29pts. We welcomed visitors from Maclean Golf Club, their course has been closed for over 5 weeks due to the floods.
Saturday we played a single stableford and the winner with a great score 37pts was Barry “Crewy” Cameron, runner up was Neil Bullen with 35pts. NTP’s went to Bruce McMullen and Neil Bullen. Rumour has it that our very own Les “I’m in a hurry” Forde proved that when you are in a hurry you forget who’s bag is who’s? Apparently he teed off and put his driver back in what he thought was his bag, went to the next hole and realised his club was not in his bag, he grabbed what he thought was his driver out of his playing partners bag, and only to find out that he hit his tee shot with his partners driver. He quickly got the right club and put it back where it should be, in his own bag.
Our Veterans Week of Golf is on Monday 25th April-Friday 29th April 2022. Entry forms are available at the club.
Our AGM will be held on Saturday 30th April at 9.45 for a 10am start, golf competition will be played immediately after we wrap things up. We need all members to attend please.
Raffles will be back to normal next week. Friday nights and Sunday mornings.
For those wishing to play golf, the tees off times are as below:
Wednesday Wackers 9.30am for 10am tee off…..$20.00 comp fees
Thursday Vets 9.30am for 10am tee off…………. $20.00 comp fees
Saturday 10am for 10.30 tee off……………………$20.00 comp fees
Sunday 9 hole comp 8.45am and no later than 10.45am tee off…..$10.00 comp fees
Next Saturday 23rd April will be a Anzac Day 4Ball sponsored by Pete Acton Uralla Motor Mates.
Quote of the week: I stopped understanding math when the alphabet decided to get involved…..
Happy Golfing