17Sep 2022
Sep 17, 2022

Carol’s Weekly Wrap 18/9/22

Wednesday Whackers played a single stableford and the winner was Sally Barraston with 36pts, r/up was Trevor Carson with 35pts. The orange ball went to Robbie Porter. We welcomed visitors from Armidale.

Thursday the Vets were washed out again.

Saturday was a single stableford and the winner was Jayson Ketley with 40pts, runner up was Michael Welbourn with 38pts. The horrible day with the howling winds must have been easy with those scores. NTPs went to Jayson Ketley, Dactyl Carlon, Narelle Besseling from Ballina. The Mars Bar went to Nick Besseling from Ballina. We welcomed visitors from Ballina and Armidale.

Next weekend 24th & 25th September after the last tee off on the first, we will be starting to core the greens and we will need some volunteers to help out on Saturday and Sunday with the greens.

Twilight competition will commence on Tuesday 11th October, nomination forms are out and if you have more than 6 players in your team try to make 2 teams with the extras. There will be no nomination fees this year and it will be $10.00 per player per round. For those who aren’t in a team and want to play we will add you to a team with others who aren’t in a team. Please remember you have to be a social member to play in twilight, cost is only $25.00 for 12 months. Also days of play will be on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Fridays. The club will be open those days and dinner will also be available.

Raffles are back onFriday nights and Sunday mornings.

For those wishing to play golf, the tees off times are as below:

Wednesday Wackers 9.30am for 10am tee off…..$20.00 comp fees

Thursday Vets 9.30am for 10am tee off…………. $20.00 comp fees

Saturday 10am for 10.30 tee off……………………$20.00 comp fees

Sunday Juniors from 9.30am.

Next Saturday 24th September is the Guzzlers Mug sponsored by Geoff Wood.

Quote of the week:  Golf is harder than baseball, in golf you have to play your foul balls…..

Happy Golfing    

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